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Foods That Will Help Your Body Heal From Addiction

Foods That Will Help Your Body Heal From Addiction

A toxic lifestyle, such as addiction to alcohol or drugs can have a devastating effect on your long-term and short-term health. Many addicts don’t eat healthy food and many of the vitamins and minerals they eat are not properly absorbed.

After you have started to detox from certain substances, you can start consuming certain foods that will help your body and mind heal in the most effective way. Certain foods can help you feel better, restore physical damage, and alleviate cravings.

Here are some of the best foods for addiction recovery:

1. Bananas

People who abuse alcohol or drugs often have low levels of potassium and magnesium. These electrolytes regulate the heartbeat, blood pressure, and nerves and are essential for maintaining healthy muscles. Both can lead to weakness, confusion, fatigue, muscle cramps, and fatigue.

Bananas are a great source of both minerals. They provide you with a double dose. Many fruits have a high level of potassium and magnesium. A delicious way to get your minerals is to make a fruit salad with oranges, kiwi, and papaya as well as cantaloupes, and peaches. For those who prefer savory foods, you can make a fresh salad using avocado, spinach, tomatoes, and other ingredients.

2. Milk

It can be difficult to get a good night of sleep when you are detoxing from drugs or alcohol. It is essential that you get enough sleep to heal your body and mind. You might find it easier to get restful sleep by having a small snack that contains dairy products at bedtime.

Dairy foods have tryptophan which helps to produce the sleep-inducing chemical melatonin and calcium which relaxes the muscles and nerves. Your body can be prepared for sleep by drinking a glass of milk or eating yogurt one hour before bed. 

You can increase the effectiveness of tryptophan by adding a small number of carbohydrates to your bedtime snacks, such as rice cakes, crackers, or a handful of oats.

Foods That Will Help Your Body Heal From Addiction

3. Potatoes

Many reasons can lead to a craving for alcohol in recovering alcoholics. One reason is that the body has become accustomed to large amounts of sugary drinks in early recovery. After alcohol is broken down into sugar, blood glucose levels drop. People in recovery crave sweet snacks, which is why they often crave alcohol.

Complex carbohydrates are a way to avoid this vicious cycle of crashing and rocketing blood sugar. They deliver glucose slowly to your body, unlike refined carbohydrates which can give you a sugar bomb and leave you wanting more.

Potatoes, and other vegetables, are rich in complex carbohydrates that can be used to combat cravings. Choose fruit if you need something sweeter. To slow down the sugar release, eat it whole, instead of juicing.

4. Pork and beans

This Southern classic dish contains a large amount of Vitamin B1, one of the most important vitamins for brain function and neurological health. Thiamine, also known as Vitamin B1, is so vital for the body that it is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. Alcoholics are more likely to have a B1 deficiency. It can lead to brain damage in severe cases.

A single serving of lean pork chops contains 67% of the recommended daily value (DV). A cup of navy beans has 29%. There are many ways vegetarians can get enough thiamine. Concentrated sources of B1 are found in unrefined foods that contain yeast. 

Whole-wheat bread for breakfast provides 26% of your daily value. Also good are seeds and nuts, with macadamia nuts containing 62% DV per Cup and sunflower seeds providing 45%.

5. Whey

When you are starting a detox, eating can cause extra stress to your body because your central nervous system is damaged. When they stop using drugs or alcohol, most addicts feel nauseated by the thought of eating.

Whey is a great way to introduce food back into your diet and calm your central nervous system. Whey is easy to digest and contains healing amino acids like L-tryptophan and L-glutamine that help your body make chemicals to nourish and repair your nervous system.

Foods That Will Help Your Body Heal From Addiction

6. Fish

Addicts need to control their anxiety and stress levels in order to have a lasting recovery. Seafood has been shown to have a calming effect that can make you more resilient and stable mentally.

Omega 3 oils are made up of fatty acids found in fish like salmon, mackerel, and herring. They have been shown to be effective at stabilizing moods and relieving anxiety and depression. 

Nutritionists recommend that you eat at least two portions of fish each week. There are many fish oil supplements available that can be used if you don’t like the taste of fish.

7. Broccoli

Substance abuse can cause liver damage through alcoholic cirrhosis and hepatitis. This can be caused by sharing needles with others or unprotected sex. To process nutrients from food, the liver must be working at its best.

Broccoli, cabbage, kale, and arugula are all foods that can cleanse and heal the liver. Even if you don’t like greens, garlic, onions, and shallots have liver-detoxifying properties. Teas made with milk thistle and dandelion root can also heal the liver.

8. Water

When it comes to detoxing your body from addictive substances, water is your best friend. Water helps organs function more efficiently and flushes out toxins. Along with a healthy diet, make sure you drink at least one liter of water per day.

If you don’t like plain water add a pinch of mint or a squeeze of lemon. This is a natural cleanser. You can also enjoy a cup of chamomile or green tea as a calming and relaxing way to get your water.

There are many natural foods to get your health back on track after a drug addiction. Good food and fluids can help you feel happier and healthier.

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